Runway disasters are normally very high visibility incidents – since by definition they happen on or along a runway, which means in an airport, where there are a lot of people and assets. This hinges on the possibility of financial loss and loss of confidence among carriers and passengers.
Commercially, there is also a need for airport operators to reduce scheduled runway closure by leveraging on Non Destructive Technology such as UWB Radar Technology. Structural defects such as voids, poor layer compaction, subsurface water pockets or symptoms of structural degradation can be uncovered. The structural composition of the runway and taxiway can also be established or verified. Structural integrity of taxiways, runways can hence be assured through periodic inspections and maintenance. Our UWB Radar detection equipment is also fitted with a state of the art camera that facilitates a simultaneous inspection against surface defects such as potholes, cracks, raveling, rutting, shoving, delamination, corrugation. An integrated system will hence provide a comprehensive analysis of the operational condition of the runway that can be carried out in a relatively short duration, with minimum set-up time as well as manpower involvement.